The public services of Dachau have planned to support the construction of the coal-burning power plant in Lünen. On April, 6th a citizens' group, called „Bürgerinitiative Kontra-Kohlestrom-Dachau“, handed in a collection of 2.800 signatures demanding for a public decision. Only 2.100 signatures were necessary for this demand. The public vote whether to hold on to the plan to invest 2.000.000 euros in the project in Lünen or not was set to be on July, 4th.
To ensure that the result of the decision is valid 20% of the 31.484 habitants with voting power were supposed to vote for or against the investment.
10.799 people voted, which is about 34%.

The citizens of Dachau therefore decided not to support the coal-burning power plant in Lünen.
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